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i really love this game it was my fave game when i was kid and still love to play it, Please can you also make remake of this game ?

It's currently being remade and it supports up to four players. We do remote playtesting sessions via Parsec. Join the Discord if you'd like to play!


an amazing classic. A Gem in the early game maker indie game scene. I even started a mini "fanbase", in my school about this game. All the characters, the scenery, the multiple modes, were something stuck in our teen years


I loved this game the first time I got it over YoYo Games and recently came across it among a 'Game Maker Games Collection' I happen to keep. Great to find it here. I guess I'll give it a try once again!

what are the controls?

They should be in a readme file that's included with the game. It's all on the keyboard: WASD to move, GHT to perform actions for player 1. Player 2 uses the right side of the keyboard with the arrow keys and numerical pad. You can set it up to play with controllers using Joy2Key.

